Adapted mountain

Muntanyes de Llum is born from the love for the mountains, from the desire to share, guide and discover new experiences. At Muntanyes de llum we are professionals in mountaineering who want to transmit our way of living outdoors, in order to live, enjoy and feel each landscape with everyone who wishes.

The practice of mountaineering brings many benefits for our well-being in general especially due to the practice of physical activity but we must not forget that practicing this sport in contact with nature makes us improve our mood and self-esteem while we enjoy magnificent scenery while exercising. The practice of this sport, both dry and snowy, is a fun and healthy pastime that is practiced all over the world, with people of all ages, regardless of condition or ability.

Today the practice of mountaineering is not yet accessible to all people who would like to practice this sport and for this reason, in Muntanyes de Llum, we want to increase the experiences and opportunities to participate in community and natural environments to all those people with functional diversity they desire. We carry out outdoor sports activities, adapting their practice and offering the appropriate supports to facilitate their participation, thus eliminating the barriers and difficulties that are often found on the path to social inclusion. The aim is to offer real opportunities for this sport and we are convinced that by facilitating these opportunities, we will also facilitate the continuity of the practice of mountaineering in the future.

Specifically, we want to organize outings for people with functional diversity of all ages (children, young people and adults) to bring them closer to the natural environment and the benefits generated by the practice of an outdoor sport. The benefits are such as improved quality of life in general, and physical and emotional well-being in particular, less difficulty in carrying out the tasks of daily living, improvements in gait, coordination, body posture. and their balance, improvements at the muscular level, development of strength, endurance and flexibility, in memory and in the process of learning, self-esteem and social skills.

The activities we offer are hiking and snowshoeing. Both activities can be adapted and / or modified to facilitate their practice according to the needs of each one and can be practiced both in an inclusive way, shared with people without disabilities (family, friends, colleagues,…), as well as with groups of ‘the same collective.

Our intention in inclusive mountain projects is to adjust the activities and material in order to encourage the active and effective participation of all participants in order to enjoy their benefits in terms of awareness, knowledge and respect for difference, and also promote healthy lifestyles through active lifestyles. In addition, inclusive sport is one of the most highly recommended ways of exercising, not only because of the physical and mental well-being it entails, but also because it improves the social inclusion of the person through a practice in common.

Sedentary lifestyle is a serious problem in society at large but has a greater impact on people with functional diversity. For this reason from Muntanyes de Llum we believe that both from the associations themselves and from the families themselves, it is extremely important to convey the importance of practicing the sport of mountaineering. And we can help you. It is a project to raise awareness and practice a sport aimed at people with disabilities, but also at society in general.

From Muntanyes de LLum we want to remove barriers, bring you closer to the mountain and open new horizons full of MOUNTAINS OF LIGHT.


“The noblest purpose of sport for people with disabilities is to help them restore the connection with the world around them.”

Dr. Sir Ludwig Guttmann