From Muntanyes de llum we offer nature activities for children and young people, in order to transmit our values, educate, share and accompany you to enjoy the Mountain safely and with quality, adjusting our ratios to the needs of each group. .

We want to encourage respect for nature, promote mountaineering, encourage the spirit of discovery and exploration of the environment to new generations, promote the natural environment as a training medium, as a social meeting point and as a basis for personal growth

One day activities

  • Snow shoes
  • Montserrat : discovering magical corners
  • Caves: we go underground to discover
  • Orientation: enter the orientation in order to know the space around us
  • Smartphone targeting: We apply new technologies to targeting
  • Descovering el Montseny
  • Rupit: corners and waterfalls
  • Guilleries de savassona: magical forest, stories of bandits, climbing and slakline
  • Excursion around Sau swamp
  • La foradada : discovering the waterfall from within
  • Discovering the cliffs of Tavertet and “el morro de l’abella”
  • Grabulosa beech
  • Safety and survival in the mountains: practical workshops in the center or in nature

School camps:

  • Circular Pyrenees overnight in mountain refuges (several levels)
  • Rupit multi adventure: cycling, climbing, hiking, and orienteering
  • Montserrat: we discover the Magic Mountain and spend the night in the shelter between conglomerate needles
  • Snow : snowshoeing excursions, discovering winter equipment, discovering the shovel and probe, building igloos, and promoting safety in winter sports
  • Outdoor camping
  • Hostels and nature activities

We adapt the programs to the needs of each group